Most People Don't How Gynaecologist Help Patients


There are only a few people in the world who understand what it's like to work with women. Gynaecologists are one of them. Here are 10 things that most people don't know about the Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane.

1. Gynaecologist’s care about more than just your vagina.

Most people think that a gynaecologist deals with nothing but women's reproductive organs, but the truth is gynaecologists are trained to treat a number of different things. Besides reproductive problems, they can help diagnose and manage illnesses like yeast infections and urinary incontinence. They also perform exams to see if there are any signs of cancer in the uterus, ovaries or cervix.


2. There are lots of procedures that require anaesthesia - including some exams that hurt without it!

There are several big-deal medical procedures that take place in a woman's pelvic region, and many require general anaesthesia because they involve putting a tube into the uterus through the vagina: biopsies, surgery to remove uterine growths, endometrial ablations and abortions. These procedures all involve putting a tube into the uterus and they require anaesthesia because the patient needs to be immobile and pain-free.


3. They don't always find skin tags in your nether regions when they do an exam!

Skin tags are benign (aka not cancerous), so most doctors will leave them alone unless they're in a place where they could get caught on things or become irritated (i.e., around the anus). But many women think docs check specifically for skin tags during pelvic exams - which isn't true! Skin tags tend to pop up more frequently around the groin region, but that's just where we tend to look.


4. Your weight actually matters a lot to your gynaecologist!

A woman's body size affects a number of health concerns that a gynaecologist might discuss during an exam, so it's important for your doc to know what you weigh. Excess weight can cause problems with reproductive health, including infertility and miscarriages. Your body composition - how much fat vs muscle you have - also plays a role in some conditions. For instance, women who have more muscle mass are less likely to get osteoporosis while women who carry more fat may be at higher risk for heart disease and diabetes later on in life. Weight is also important when prescribing birth control because certain methods (like pills) depend on maintaining a certain weight range to be effective.


5. Your uterus is the only part of your reproductive system that isn't self-cleaning!

Everything else in a woman's groin region cleans itself, but the uterus needs special care to stay healthy. That's why it's important to take care of yourself down there both before and after sex by urinating soon after intercourse to flush out bacteria that could cause infections like UTIs or bladder pain syndrome suggested by the Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane.


6. There are some parts of your reproductive system you can't see on your own, even when you're standing naked in front of a mirror!

Many women don't realize they have blind spots in their pelvic area that require an expert eye to diagnose accurately, especially if there are problems with fertility or reproductive health. These blind spots include the fallopian tubes and ovaries, which are located behind the uterus & cervix (respectively). Many problems with fertility can be diagnosed by looking at these hidden areas via an ultrasound or specialized x-rays called Hyster sonograms.





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