Most People Don't How Gynaecologist Help Patients
There are only a few people in the world who understand what it's like to work with women. Gynaecologists are one of them. Here are 10 things that most people don't know about the Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane . 1. Gynaecologist’s care about more than just your vagina. Most people think that a gynaecologist deals with nothing but women's reproductive organs, but the truth is gynaecologists are trained to treat a number of different things. Besides reproductive problems, they can help diagnose and manage illnesses like yeast infections and urinary incontinence. They also perform exams to see if there are any signs of cancer in the uterus, ovaries or cervix. 2. There are lots of procedures that require anaesthesia - including some exams that hurt without it! There are several big-deal medical procedures that take place in a woman's pelvic region, and many require general anaesthesia because they involve putting a tube into the uterus through the vagina:...