How Do I Choose An Obstetrician?


Obstetricians are doctors who specialize in pregnancy and childbirth. You may choose to hire a private obstetrician to visit during your pregnancy. If you intend to give birth in a public hospital or a birth centre, you may only need to see the Best Obstetrician In Thane if you have a medical need or a complication.


An obstetrician is a doctor who specialises in delivering infants and giving medical treatment to pregnant women (antenatal care) and after they give birth (postnatal care). Obstetricians can handle complicated or high-risk pregnancies and deliveries, as well as conduct interventions like caesarean sections. Many have also received training in reproductive health for women (gynaecology).


Your obstetrician's role in pregnancy

If you obtain your prenatal care at a public hospital, you'll only visit an obstetrician if it's absolutely necessary. You'll also come across midwives. Women with high-risk pregnancies are more likely to see an obstetrician.


Your prenatal check-ups will be performed by your private obstetrician. Typically, the obstetrician will:

  • check your baby's growth and position
  • conduct or refer you for routine tests and checks
  • help you prepare for labour and birth

Ultrasounds are performed in the rooms of some obstetricians.

Some private obstetricians also offer a'shared care' option, in which your visits are split between your doctor (GP) or midwife and your obstetrician. This may be a more cost-effective alternative.

There may be no local obstetrician in certain rural and isolated regions. If there are no problems, certain general practitioners (GPs) with additional obstetrics training can deliver infants. You may need to be moved to a hospital with an obstetrician if difficulties occur.


You can pick your own doctor and give birth in a private hospital if you have private health insurance with maternity coverage. In a public hospital, some Best Obstetrician In Thane also care for private patientsdrsangeeta Shetty will care them. Because obstetricians don't work everywhere, it's wise to verify if your chosen obstetrician practises at your preferred hospital.

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  1. Dr. Pragya Goel is the leading Obstetrician (Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period) and the Best gynecologist in Chandigarh. She offers the latest and state of the art cutting-edge treatments for various gynecological conditions.


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